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Nine Villas Complex

Location: Venice, Italy 

Type: Architecture Design,  Interior Design, Sustainability 

Design Team: RBA

Total Area: 4485 m2

Single Area: 305.26m2

Volume: 783.26m3

Cost: To be confirmed

Design Time: April 2011

Construction time: Under construction 

Special mention: Casaclima Sustainable Architecture Golden Award





设计团队: RBA

总建筑面积:4485 m2










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As a residential building project, in addition to creating and implementing design forms, we hope to promote a more harmonious, more reasonable and healthier architectural attitude, spatial attitude and attitude towards life.


In addition to paying attention to the originality of the design, the details of the design and the construction of the project, of course, these are the foundations of course. On this, we pay more attention to how the new building will be more friendly in the urban living environment. If you let everyone portray the ideal living environment, it may easily resonate, you need to open up free space, you need emotional communication, you need beautiful streets, and you need plants that are just as good. It is not a blind ideal state. The evolution of the behaviour of people in hundreds of worlds and the performance of the relationship between urban scales is typical and most original yearning. And while the builders of this city are also paying attention to economic benefits and manufacturing costs, are we still likely to adopt new design languages, more comprehensive planning concepts and new technology development and application, which does not violate the growth of urban modernization? It also provides a natural and comfortable place to stay.

In traditional applications, buildings exist for function, and design occurs for the physical form. Buildings provide users with a place where behaviour can occur, while users create activities in a well-constructed environment. This is the behaviour of physical overlays. In our vision, architecture should be full of vitality, a partner who can become a user and always self-regulating, and can respond positively to human behaviour. In the most ideal state, this is not a process that takes place in acceptance, but a process of dynamic intervention and adaptation.






除了关注设计的原创度,设计的细节与建造的工程,当然这些是理所当然的基础,在此之上,我们更加反思新建建筑如何再城市人居环境中更友好地存在。 如果让每个人描绘理想的生活环境,可能很容易产生共鸣,我们需要开阔自由的空间,需要情感交流,需要漂亮的街道,需要繁茂得恰到好处得植物。这不是一种盲目的理想状态,这是从几百个世纪中人的行为与城市尺度关系的演化与磨合中得来的,是一种最典型又最原始的向往。而在当下这个城市的建造者同样关注经济效益与制造成本的情况下,我们是否仍然有可能通过新的设计语言,更全面的规划概念以及新的技术研发与应用,既不违背城市现代化的生长,又提供一处自然舒适的住所。












Master Planning


These 9 villas, surrounded by greenery and tranquillity, are located a stone's throw from the sea and from the centre of Jesolo. Only half an hour from the two nearest airports and not far from the Medieval town of Treviso and the beautiful setting of Venice, these villas meet the needs and interest of both locals and tourists attracted by the landscape, the history and the architectural richness of the Venetian territory.





The complex is made up of 9 independent villas that share a large pedestrian area, where children can play safely in a condominium garden of 2,300 square meters. To greater convenience of the residents, within the area, in addition to the exclusive parking spaces of each house, a number of courtesy parking areas are guaranteed to welcome guests.








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Permeability, Privacy and shadow




Through perfect design and planning combination in terms of facade opening and building orientation, these 9 villas will not interfere with each other on sunlight gaining and sight viewing.







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Physical model











The villa




Every single villa has its own private garden in addition to the ample residential park. A swimming pool within the private garden can be equipped at the client’s request (optional). 


Furthermore, the villas will also be provided with solarium, back garden and, in some cases, porch. Inside, a mezzanine defines the spaces of the living area, while the master bedroom is characterized by its double height. One or two covered parking spaces are provided for each unit, while guests will be utilizing some other dedicated parking areas inside the complex. 









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In order to meet the needs of different homes, the villa offers three different functional layouts to meet the possibilities of ordinary home, office and small-sized apartments.






Standard home   is spacious, comfortable, safe, designed to ensure energy savings and to provide those who live in comfort and features such as the private garden, the security of the video control system and the video intercom, the double parking space, and extra carports for the guests. It is the ideal solution for families of all sizes.



标准住宅     宽敞,舒适,安全,旨在确保节能,并为居住舒适的人提供私人花园,视频控制系统和视频对讲的安全性,双人停车位和额外的车库客人。它是各种规模家庭的理想解决方案。








Villa with office   is characterized not only by the features of the standard model but offers the possibility of creating a private, separate studio inside the house, with an independent entrance for the clients. Villa Studio is designed for those ones who love working at home, or for those ones who take care of children or non-self- sufficient people. Villa Studio is the ideal solution to bring work at home.



办公住宅   不仅具有标准型号的特色,还可以在房屋内创建一个独立的私人工作室,为客户提供独立的入口。 办公住宅专为那些喜欢在家工作,或是希望同时照顾家庭的独立工作者而设的理想解决方案







Villa with two flats    offering two separate entrances and exits, the villa can be split into two separate homes, perfect for small homes or those who wish to have independent privacy.



双套住宅     提供两个独立出入口,可将别墅拆分成两套独立住宅,是为小型住家,或那些即希望可以得到独立隐私的大家庭提供的完美户型方案









See more about the architecture design of the project








How sustainable technologies contribute to a residential building?




Designing and building a home means triggering processes that will affect multiple generations and will not only affect the cost of maintenance and management. The choice of suitable materials, technologies and systems allows the realization or redevelopment of homes with very low energy consumption and which, at The same time, offer a high level of thermal comfort and respect for the environment. For a result that satisfies the inhabitants, it is essential above all the care of the single details.


The villas are certified by CasaClima KlimaHaus in Gold energy class thanks to a casing with high thermal insulation and utilize the most advanced anti-seismic construction techniques. The combined floor heating, air conditioning, mechanical controlled ventilation with heat recovery and photovoltaic panels systems are designed to ensure efficiency in the use of energy resources and respect for the environment. In addition to these thermal benefits, the 60 cm thick external walls guarantee a very high acoustic performance. 



由于具有高隔热性能,并采用最先进的抗震建筑技术,别墅项目获得了欧洲绿色建筑机构CasaClima的金奖认证。综合地暖,空调,带热回收和光伏面板系统与新风系统的设计旨在确保能源使用的高效率性,和对环境的尊重。 除了这些热效益之外,60厘米厚的外墙保证了别墅同时具备绝佳隔音隔热效果。










Passive house as a living creature.




CasaClima (in German KlimaHaus) is a method of energy certification of buildings presented in 2002 in compliance with what has already been dismissed by the European Community as Directive Cee 2002/91/Ce, which, following the Kyoto protocol, deals with the issue of energy certification of buildings.


A passive house is a building that covers most of its energy needs for indoor space heating and cooling using passive devices. A passive house is, therefore, a home that ensures thermal wellbeing without or with a minimum internal heating energy source to the
building, that is, without any "conventional" heating system, ie boiler and radiators or similar systems. It is, therefore, a house that maximizes energy efficiency. The house is called "passive" because the sum of the passive heat input of the solar radiation transmitted from the windows and the heat generated inside the building by household appliances and occupants themselves are almost sufficient to compensate for the losses of the envelope during the cold season.


CasaClima(德国KlimaHaus)是2002年提出的建筑能源认证方法,符合欧洲共同体指令Cee 2002/91 / Ce,该指令遵循京都议定书,处理建筑能源认证。


消极住宅建筑的本质定义是通过最小的动力能耗满足房屋室内对于供暖与制冷的需求。换句话说,消极住宅不需要(或极少量的)依赖任何“常规”加热制冷系统,但同时却可以满足室内气温的自我调节而使室内环境处于相对稳定宜居的状态,是一个能源效实现最大化的房子。之所以称为“被动”,是因为除了住宅在日常使用过程中,电气产品,人的活动所产生的热能,结合通过窗户自然收集的太阳热能,已经可以满足补偿季节更替所造成的不同气候条件下热能的交换损失。因此, 设计一座消极住宅,对于光,热,通风,材料的研究与应用至关重要。


See more about the sustainable design of the project




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