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RBA, Ruggero Baldasso Architects, founded in 1999 in Venice, is a leading international design institution within the boundaries of architecture and urbanism, which devoted to discussing deeper insight into sustainability application.

URBAN object, a research and design studio, applies architectural thinking to interior domains beyond, dedicating in the understanding of achieving the balance between man, context and design approach.




Ruggero Baldasso, Italian architect, Founder and Chief Designer of Studio RBA, representative of Casaclima in China.

RB has cooperated with worldwide famous architects Alvaro Siza in his younger stage, and also has been invited to participate projects, seminars, competitions and workshops in Asian countries, for instance, participating the preliminary strategic planning of Zhujiang New Town in Guangzhou. RB set up Studio RBA in Venice in 1999, concentrating on researching architecture morphology and sustainability. From 2010, RB has been invited as Visiting Professor in GAFA and SCUT in Guangzhou, setting up co-teaching program on Strategic Planning with Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Ruggero Baldasso, 意大利建筑设计师,Studio RBA 设计总监与创立人,欧洲绿色建筑认证机构Casaclima在华代表。


早年多次与国际建筑大师西扎等合作交流,曾参与广州市珠江新城早期规划,多次受邀赴欧亚等国开展规划设计工作坊 。1999年与威尼斯创立RBA建筑设计事务所,致力于研究建筑空间与践行可持续设计。自2010年先后受邀来华担任广州美术学院与华南理工大学访问教授,连续三年开设与哈佛大学设计学院的城市空间规划联合教学项目。

studio rba

Ruggero Baldasso Architects


Since 1999

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