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Album | Free Space 1
相集 | 自由空间 1


05th November 2018


2018 La Biennale Di Vinizia Arsenale 

2018 年威尼斯建筑双年展Arsenale展区相集

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The [ Album] series aims to objectively present everything related to design, projects, and corporate culture through image recording, and try to break any communication boundary. Images within [Alblum] series without references are tended to be RBA originals.

[ Album ] 系列旨在通过图像记录形式客观呈现于分享与设计,项目,企文相关的一切内容,尝试打破沟通边界于固定形式。

[ Album ] 系列图像若无引注均为RBA原创出品。


Since 1999

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